Lessons In Electric Circuits -- Developer page

Contributing to this project
If you feel inclined to contribute to this project, please contact us via email(See Contacts, below) with your ideas. I will thoughtfully consider any and all constructive criticism, suggestions, and content, no matter how small or "insignificant" in your estimation. Your ideas are important, as they allow this project to become better than anything one person could make alone. Bear in mind, though, that any work contributed to this project falls under the terms and conditions of the Design Science License and is by definition "copylefted" for maximum public benefit. Any content you develop for this project is your intellectual property, but may be freely copied and distributed by anyone along with my work.
Listed below are several pages of information pertinent to contributors. As with everything else on this project, you are encouraged to submit suggestions for improvement regarding contributor policy. Being that the whole phenomenon of "open" books is rather novel, participants in this project or others like it are pioneers of a sort. Together we will explore this brave new world of writing and publishing, figuring out what works and what doesn't as we go!For questions others have asked try this thread at www.allaboutcircuits.com.
Contacts: Your primary point of contact is now (dcrunkilton@worldnet.att.net), the maintainer of this archive. If you want more information on the recent changes in administration, read this thread at www.allaboutcircuits.com. If you really need to contact Tony Kuphaldt, click on his name above his avtar in the above thread. This will take you to a page where you can send a "personal message" or "email".You can also read Tony's comments on the index page of this site, and follow the "good news" and "bad news" links.